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SLB750 bøjen er designet og udviklet til brug i floder og lokationer med stærk strøm, op til 6 knob. Flydesektionen er udført i ét stykke og forbliver dermed stabil og robust i stærk strøm.
Bøjen er rotationsstøbt i UV-stabiliseret PE og kan leveres i en række IALA anbefalet udgaver. Det er muligt at montere en solcellelanterne i toppen.
The SLB750 is a 750mm dia. fast water buoy designed for a variety of applications and is particularly suited to fast water currents up to 6 knots. The unique, one piece float section has an internally integrated bow and keel which ensure the buoy remains stable during fast currents.
The SLB750 is rotationally-moulded from UV-stabilised, virgin polyethylene in a range of IALA recommended configurations and colours to ensure clear visibility, and may be fitted with a Sealite LED lantern for safe night navigation. The SLB750 has multiple mooring eyes and counterweight mooring points to facilitate correct operation over varying water depths and speeds up to 6 knots.