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Read more about the product

SL75 solcellelanternen er udviklet med Bluetooth teknologi, hvilket gør serviceturene nemmere og hurtigere, ved hjælp af en tablet eller mobiltelefon.


Det er muligt at udstyre lanternen med GPS synkronisering, så to eller flere lanterner blinker synkront. Dette øger synligheden for sejleren. Ved tilkøb af GSM kan man også overvåge og styre lanternen med sin mobiltelefon.


The SL75 is a next-generation solar marine lantern with up to 5NM visible range. The lantern incorporates dual high-performance solar panels for maximum sunlight capture and utilizes the latest Bluetooth ® technology for convenient configuration and maintenance.


Optional GPS synchronisation allows two or more units set to the same flash character to flash in unison, improving visual recognition of boundaries or marine channels. Optional GSM gives users the added ability to control and monitoring the asset remotely.

Contact us today

If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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