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400/6 bøjen er udviklet til at ligge i havne og fjorde.
PE kroppen er monteret på et galvaniseret fortøjningsrør. Der er monteret et rør i midten af bøjen hvori batteriet ligger.
I toppen sidder lanternen på en flange, som nemt afmonteres når der skal skiftes batteri.
Der er mulighed for at vælge mellem flere forskellige LED lanterner, således at bøjen kan tilpasses specifikke behov.
The 400/6 buoy is developed to be deployed in waters around small harbors and pleasure ports. The cigar shaped body adds stability to the buoy. It also makes the buoys well functioning in waters where ice may occur.
The primary battery is located in a robust tube, in the middle of the buoy. The battery is easily replaced when drained. By removing the flange where the lantern is mounted, the battery can be pulled or lifted out, and a new battery can be
To be able to meet all needs and requirements, it is possible to choose between several LED lantern options.