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Read more about the product

SLB700 bøjen kan leveres flere farver og følger IALA anbefalingerne. Løfte -og fortøjningsbeslaget er indstøbt i bøjen, så håndtering kan gøre nemt og sikkert.


Bøjen er rotationsstøbt i UV-stabiliseret PE, hvilket giver en robust og synlig overflade.


Det er muligt at indstøbe grafik og tekst i bøjerne.


The SLB700 is a short-range small marker buoy ready for immediate installation. Typical applications include day and night channel, speed zone, restricted area marking and aquaculture. The SLB700 is extremely long-lasting, and is moulded in strong, durable, UV-stabilised polyethylene.


The SLB700 incorporates an interconnected mooring and lifting eye for additional strength and flexibility in installation. The SL-B700 can be economically shipped around the globe, with approximately 105pcs and 210pcs being packed in 20ft and 40ft shipping containers respectively.

Contact us today

If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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