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Read more about the product

400/6 bøjen er udviklet til at ligge i havne og fjorde.

PE kroppen er monteret på et galvaniseret fortøjringsrør. Den cigarformede krop gør bøjen stabil i vandoverfladen, samt at bøjen er velfungerende i is.

Bøjen er udstyret med et forstærket og syrefast fortøjningsbeslag i bunden og et robust løftehul i toppen.


The 400/6 buoy is developed to be deployed in waters around small harbors and pleasure ports. The cigar shaped body adds stability to the buoy. It also makes the buoy well functioning in waters where ice may occur.

The buoy is equipped with a reinforced and acid proof mooring point in the bottom, and a lifting point in the top of the buoy.

Contact us today

If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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