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Read more about the product

160-serien er udviklet til at ligge steder hvor der er

lav vanddybde. Der kan monteres en 50 liters flyder som øger

bøjens stabilitet, opdrift og synlighed. Med en flyder kan man nemt justere hvor dybt bøjen skal ligge i vandet.

Bøjen findes i flere forskellige længder, så den passer til de forskellige behov der måtte være. Den er udstyret med et forstærket og syrefast fortøjningsbeslag i bunden og løftehul i toppen.


The 160-series is developed to be deployed in waters with low water depth. It is possible to equip the buoy with a 50 liter

float buoy that increases the buoys stability, buoyancy and visibility. With a float buoy it is also easy to adjust the depth of the buoy. The buoy is available in several lengths so it will fit

different needs. The buoy is equipped with a reinforced and acid proof mooring point in the bottom and a lifting point in the top of the buoy.

Contact us today

If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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