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Read more about the product

N400/7 bøjen er beregnet til brug på åbent vand og hvor der er større vanddybde. Bøjekroppen er et ekstruderet rør, og derfor robust når det gælder eventuelle påsejlinger og is.

Der er monteret et robust fortøjningsbeslag i bunden af bøjen hvorpå der sidder anoder som beskytter mod galvanisk tæring.

Bøjen er udstyret med et forstærket løftehul i toppen.


The N400/7 buoy is developed to be deployed in open waters and in deep waters. The buoy body is extruded which makes is robust when it comes to ice and accidental collisions.

A solid mooring bracket is mounted in the bottom of the buoy. Zinc corrosion anodes are mounted on the bracket, and are easily replaced by loosening two bolts.

The buoy is equipped with a reinforced lifting point in the top of the buoy.

Contact us today

If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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