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Read more about the product

Atlantic-2600 er en stor lysbøje med en diameter på Ø2600 mm, designet til offshore anvendelser. De dobbelte løfte -og fortøjningsøjer er forbundet internt med rustfrit stål stænger som giver høj styrke og lang levetid på bøjen.


Atlantic-2600 og Atlantic-3000 er de eneste lysbøjer i deres klasse der tilbyder en flyder med stor diameter, uden at skulle bruge en gennemgående fortøjningsstang, hvilket giver store fordele for brugeren. Bøjen har en lavere vægt og er hurtigere


The Atlantic-2600 is a 2.6 meter diameter large ocean buoy designed for offshore port and coastal applications. Twin lifting and mooring eyes are interconnected by stainless steel tie bars through the hull structure – offering enormous strength and superior longevity of the navaid.


The Atlantic-2600 along with the Atlantic-3000 are the only buoys in their class to offer a large diameter float section without the incorporation of a central mooring post, providing enormous user benefits. It’s lightweight, faster and easier to assemble and

Contact us today

If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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