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Port Entry Light PEL 10


Read more about the product

PEL10 (Port Entry Light) er med indbygget LED teknologi, meget lavt strømforbrug og præcise overgange mellem farver.

Dens intensitet på op til 120.000cd ved max. 30 watt gør den idéel til solcelleløsninger.


Lysevnen er op til 3,5 sømil i dagslys og sikrer en yderst skarp overgang på 1/60 af en grad.


PEL10 kan udstyres med flere overvågningsmuligheder, såsom AIS, GSM -og satellitløsninger. Indstillinger gøres nemt via den medfølgende PC programmer via USB.


Den lave vægt gør installationen nemmere, og da der ingen bevægelige dele er i lampen, kræver den et minimum af vedligehold.


The Sealite 10 degree LED port entry light (PEL) is a low powered, high-intensity precision sector light, suitable for day or night time use. Providing over 120,000cd at 30watts, the Sealite PEL is extraordinarily efficient and ideal for solar power systems.


The PEL has a visible daytime range of 3.5NM and is designed to suit high-precision sector applications and provides a measured changeover between colour sectors of typically one minute of arc.


The Port Entry Light can be configured to suit many channel marking and leading line applications. Independently controlled LED drivers provide balanced colour output across colours, or the white center sector can be increased in intensity to simulate filament/filter combinations. The PEL comes with convenient PC programming via USB, ready for interfacing with Sealite Type 1 or Type 3 AIS solutions and GSM monitoring facilities through a cell-phone.

The Port Entry Light does not require focusing or re-lamping while in service, and there are no moving parts.

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If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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