Vinkelfyr LED Lyskilde
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SL-LED lyskilden fra Sealite er en revolutionerende LED lyskilde som er designet til at erstatte de traditionelle lyskilder i klassiske fyrtårne.
Med LED lyskilden effektive intensitet og lave strømforbrug kan ejerne sparer tid og penge på løbende service og vedligehold, samtidig med at den oprindelige linse og klassiske udseende bibeholdes.
Lyskilden kan bruges sammen med Sealite’s Universal LED Controller og PC program. Dette muliggør at man kan tilpasse og indstille lyskilden som man ønsker på stedet.
Lyskilden kan synkroniseres og overvåges ved hjælp af GPS, GSM, satellit eller AIS.
*LED lyskilden fra Sealite er oprindeligt udviklet af GLA R&RNAV Directorate og produceres på licens fra Trinity House.
The SL-LED Series are revolutionary solid-state light sources designed to replace traditional lamps in classical lighthouse optics.
Their long life and high luminous efficiency makes huge savings in energy and maintenance possible whilst retaining the heritage value and optical efficiencies of the classical optical apparatus. Capable of continuous or flashing operation, the SL-LED series is suitable for use in revolving or fixed optics. Their crisp, white light improves conspicuity in light polluted areas while in flashing mode instantly providing an ‘eye-catching’ sharp flash at full brilliance.
The LED Light Source can be used in conjunction with Sealite’s Universal LED Controller and PC Configuration Tool to provide a range of features including advanced monitoring capabilities to monitor conditions such as LED status, power supply and turntable rotation speed. The Controller also allows advanced programming features to be configured, including intensity settings, flash character and a selection of alarm conditions.
*Originally developed by the GLA R&RNAV Directorate and manufactured under license to Trinity House.
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