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Read more about the product

SLB1200 bøjen er designet og udviklet til brug i floder og lokationer med stærk strøm, op til 8 knob. Flydesektionen er udført i ét stykke og forbliver dermed stabil og robust i stærk strøm.


Bøjen er rotationsstøbt i UV-stabiliseret PE og kan leveres i en række IALA anbefalet udgaver. Det er muligt at montere en solcellelanterne i toppen.


The SLB1200mm diameter fast water navigation buoy is designed for rivers, ports and harbours and estuaries with fast flowing water currents of up to 8 knots.


The unique and innovative design of Sealite’s fast water buoy, is a combination of a traditional marker buoy shape above the water line and a boat hull on the bottom, to provide an extremely stable and buoyant navigation marker in fast and rough water conditions. An integrated bow and keel gives the fast water buoy lift as the water flows underneath it, enabling the buoy to rise and sit higher on the surface of the water creating stability and allowing the buoy to support a heavier payload.

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If you are interested in ordering the product or have questions, please contact us

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